Forging Optimal Health & Wellness

Sunday, January 31, 2010

An Exercise Of Wits

When you take notice of your day, how do you spend your time? In my life I get up in the morning and often times turn on the radio thinking I will listen to the news on NPR. I am also making coffee, breakfast, feeding the cat and dog, starting the fire, checking email, chattering with a 2 year old, etc. In reality, I rarely grasp any of the news and it is just background noise. So goes it in other areas of my life, talking on the phone, watching a movie at the end of the day, eating if I am bored, just busy stuff to fill the spaces.

We are so used to going from one thing to another without a moment to spare, full of constant stimulation. What would your day look like if you didn't turn on the TV while you were cooking dinner or the radio first thing in the morning, if you got in your car and didn't answer the phone, if you ate a meal because you were hungry and quit when you were full. The list goes on and on.

How do you fill the spaces of your day? Do you give yourself the opportunity to be quiet? My husband Jason always says, "Don't just do something, do nothing." Give it a try, see what aspects of your life are present as a means of distraction.

Oh, 3 sets of 15 bench dips or a few push-ups would be a great way to get your heart going!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

This Week...

Notice a pattern? Legs and Core. Here is a refresher of the exercises for the week.

*Body Weight Squats: Feet hip distance apart and parallel, drop your shoulders, find your neutral spine and engage your core. Bend your knees into a small squat. Focus on the action of your hamstrings and glutes to take pressure off your knees, exhale as you press through your heels to stand. Repeat for 3 sets of 15 repetitions. Do not lower your bum past your knees and keep your knees facing forward over your toes.

*Side bridge: Lie on your side with your forearm on the ground and your elbow lined up beneath your shoulder.
Pick a position for your legs:
1. With your knees bent to 90 degrees or...
2. With your legs extended in a straight line with your top leg/foot in front of the bottom or...
3. With your legs extended in a straight line, your feet stacked on top of one another
Push your forearm into the floor, pressing your hips into the air. Hold the elevated position for a predetermined amount of time, complete 6 reps held for 15 seconds for example.

*Walking Lunges: Feet hip distance and parallel, shoulders down and back, slight tuck of your tail bone to create a neutral spine and engage your core. Step out with your left foot, and bend your knee into a lunge. Do not lunge deeper than a 90 degree bend of your knee, keep your knee aligned with your ankle and pointing over your toes. Lift your trailing leg/knee toward your chest and switch sides. Lunge for 15 repetitions on each leg, take a break and do it all again, 3 sets total.

*Stand with your feet hip distance and parallel. Raise your arms overhead with your palms together, make sure your shoulders are dropped down away from your ears, your spine is in neutral alignment and your core is engaged. Find your balance on one leg with the other leg lifted, your lifted foot aligned in front of your stabilizing foot. Using the strength of your core and keeping your hips level, lean your upper body to the left, return to center, lean to the right and return. Repeat this cycle for 4 sets of 12 repetitions, alternating your stabilizing leg with each set.

*Frog Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. If you choose, hold a single dumbbell in both hands at your chest. If you are not using a weight, gently press your fists to your chest. Lower into a squat with your rear end as close to the floor as possible pressing your elbows to the inside of your knees. Lift your hips so that your legs are almost extended, bending forward at the waist. Keep your elbows pressed to your knees and your upper body in the tucked in position. Lower back into a squat and repeat for 15-20 repetitions, 3 sets.

Here it is, a week's worth of leg and core exercises that you can do in a few minutes at home. Have fun!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Frog Legs...

Well frog squats actually.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. If you choose, hold a single dumbbell in both hands at your chest. If you are not using a weight, gently press your fists to your chest. Lower into a squat with your rear end as close to the floor as possible pressing your elbows to the inside of your knees. Lift your hips so that your legs are almost extended, bending forward at the waist. Keep your elbows pressed to your knees and your upper body in the tucked in position. Lower back into a squat and repeat for 15-20 repetitions, 3 sets.

Where can you go today if you are present in every moment.

Dinner Tonight Is An...


Here is what went together to form dinner this evening.

3 Organic Chicken Breasts
1 Can Low Sodium Organic Diced Tomatoes
1 Can Organic White Beans
1/2 Diced Red Onion
Rosemary *
Balsamic Vinegar *
Sea Salt and Fresh Pepper *
* all to taste

I sauteed the onion in a bit of olive oil in a medium skillet and added the chicken breasts to brown on each side. In a baking dish, I added the tomatoes, beans (both drained), a bit of balsamic vinegar, a handful of rosemary, lots of pepper and a touch of salt. Once the chicken breasts were browned, a few minutes on medium heat for each side, I added them to the bean/tomato mixture and baked it all until the chicken was done. I will serve this with baked sweet potato slices and sauteed vegetables; kale, peppers, mushrooms, broccoli, onion and garlic.

Who least it smells good!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hickory Dickory Dock...

This is another simple exercise that is great for improving core strength and stability.

Stand with your feet hip distance and parallel. Raise your arms overhead with your palms together, make sure your shoulders are dropped down away from your ears, your spine is in neutral alignment and your core is engaged.

Find your balance on one leg with the other leg lifted, your lifted foot aligned in front of your stabilizing foot. Using the strength of your core and keeping your hips level, lean your upper body to the left, return to center, lean to the right and return. Repeat this cycle for 4 sets of 12 repetitions, alternating your stabilizing leg with each set.

Don't forget to breathe. Your breath will help with your balance. Finding a small spot to focus on a few feet in front of you will also help to maintain your balance.


This is my new motto. Pretty simple. Engage.

Engage your mind. Be present in your life. It is so easy to get caught up in the trivial details of our days and lose sight of what we are really living for. Slow down and be grateful for the gifts that you are receiving in each moment of your life.

Engage your breath. This goes hand in hand with engaging your mind. Pause throughout your day and breathe. If we stop breathing we stop living and what is the point if we are not living?

Engage with those around you. Pay attention, listen, connect. Notice the power of meaningful conversations and think of all you can learn if you are completely engaged in personal interactions.

Engage your core. Be mindful of your posture during the day. Engaging your core muscles will give you the best abdominal workout and it doesn't involve sit-ups at the gym.

Engage the muscles you are working. Focus on the action of the muscle you are training. If you are doing a bicep curl, engage your bicep muscle on the up phase of the curl and maintain that focus on the down phase, work just as hard with the release.

Engage. Engage your mind. Engage your breath. Engage the people around you. Engage your core. Engage your muscles. Simple. Bring mindful focus to the life you are living.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Walk This Way...

Or lunge, walking lunges that is.

Find an open area to allow you to take several large strides. Stand in the ready position, that would be?!? Feet hip distance and parallel, shoulders down and back, slight tuck of your tail bone to create a neutral spine and engage your core.

Step out with your left foot, land heel to ball of your foot and come into a lunge. Do not lunge deeper than a 90 degree bend of your knee, keep your knee aligned with your ankle and pointing over your toes. Press through your foot, engaging your hamstrings and glutes, to straighten your leg. Lift your trailing leg/knee toward your chest (really knee to hip height) and switch sides. Lunge for 15 repetitions on each leg, take a break and do it all again, 3 sets total.

Points to remember: exhale your breath with the action or as you stand, keep your core engaged and your feet parallel and get outside to get some air flowing through your brain!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Building Bridges

Side bridge = great core strength!

Lie on your side with your forearm on the ground and your elbow lined up beneath your shoulder.
Pick a position for your legs:
1. With your knees bent to 90 degrees or...
2. With your legs extended in a straight line with your top leg/foot in front of the bottom or...
3. With your legs extended in a straight line, your feet stacked on top of one another
Push your forearm into the floor, pressing your hips into the air. Hold the elevated position for a predetermined amount of time, complete 6 reps held for 15 seconds for example.

Have fun and don't forget to exhale as you lift your hips off the floor!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hooray For Squats...

Here is a simple one, nothing needed but your body.

Stand with your feet hip distance apart and parallel. Drop your shoulders down and back, find your neutral spine and engage your core. Press into the floor with all four corners of your feet and bend your knees into a small squat. Focus on the action of your hamstrings and glutes to take pressure off your knees, exhale as you press through your heels to stand. Repeat for 3 sets of 15 repetitions. Do not lower your bum past your knees and keep your knees facing forward over your toes. If you have a yoga block, placing it between your knees is a great way to keep your knees from wobbling back and forth as well as helping to engage your inner thigh muscles.

Have fun, your strong legs will take you great places!


"Find happiness within yourself, then share yourself with others."

This leads me to another quote I recently read which goes something like this and seems like a great goal...

"Be so happy that others look at you and become happy."

And perhaps my favorite...

"Happiness comes when you overcome the most impossible challenge."

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Week's Worth...

Here is a recap of the week's exercises.

*Step-ups: Find a sturdy step 12-18 inches high. Bend your knees into a small squat. From here, step up on to the step, leading with your right foot, following with your left. The step progression will go: right foot up, left foot up, right foot down, left foot down. Repeat this, leading with your right foot for 12-15 repetitions and then switch your lead leg to the left. Stay in the squat position for the entire movement.

*ABC's: Kneel in front of your ball with your elbows and forearms on the ball and your hands clasped. Extend your legs behind you and press into a plank position maintaining your arm position on the ball.

When you have found your balance, move your arms in a writing motion and go through the alphabet. Maintain your neutral spine position with a strong core.

*Calf Raises: This one is pretty simple. Calf raises with your feet parallel, toes pointing out (heels together) and big toes together (heels pointing out), 15 in each position.

*Dolphin Push-ups: Begin on your hands and knees. Bend your arms so your elbows are on the ground and grasp your elbows with your hands forming a triangle base with your arms. Extend your legs out into a plank position with your feet hip distance apart. Align your shoulders above your elbows and make sure they are not up to your ears. Extend your legs and press through your heels, engaging your leg muscles. Take a deep breath and press through your shoulder blades with your core engaged and your spine straight to lift your tail bone toward the ceiling. You will be in a modified "down-dog" position. Keeping your spine straight, lower back into plank position (with your arms in the triangle) extending your chin above your clasped hands. Repeat this cycle for 12-15 repetitions, breathing with the action of the exercise. Press back into "child's" pose to rest when you are finished. Holding the plank position is a great modification.

Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions of each exercise. You will hit your core, arms, shoulders, quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves. 3 sets should take about 30 minutes total, not bad!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Who Doesn't Love Dolphins?

Push-ups that is...

For dolphin push-ups begin on your hands and knees. Bend your arms so your elbows are on the ground and grasp your elbows with your hands. Without moving your elbows, extend your hands and forearms and clasp your hands together, forming a triangle base with your arms. Extend your legs out into a plank position with your feet hip distance apart. Align your shoulders above your elbows and make sure they are not up to your ears. Extend your legs and press through your heels, engaging your leg muscles. Take a deep breath and press through your shoulder blades with your core engaged and your spine straight to lift your tail bone toward the ceiling. You will be in a modified "down-dog" position. Keeping your spine straight, lower back into plank position (with your arms in the triangle) extending your chin above your clasped hands. Repeat this cycle for 12-15 repetitions, breathing with the action of the exercise. Press back into "child's" pose to rest when you are finished. Holding the plank position is a great modification.

Happy Friday!

The Last Car You Will Ever Drive...

Did you know that most of us are more concerned about caring for our cars than we are about our bodies. What if the car you are driving right now turned out to be the last car you drove. What grade fuel would you use? Would you stop servicing the engine? Changing the oil?

YOUR BODY IS THE ONLY ONE YOU GET! You will never get to trade in your body for a newer model.

The great thing about our bodies is that they are actually pretty forgiving and resilient. Why not start using a higher grade fuel for your body, filling it with healthy foods, water and fresh air. Taking your heart for a spin around the block now and again.

Start small. Stretch for 10 minutes before you go to bed, pick three exercises and do them through out the day, stand outside and breath in some fresh air. Your vehicle will run a lot smoother and be more apt to stand up to the test of time.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Say "Hello" To Your Calves...

This one is pretty simple. Stand with your feet parallel, your shoulders down and back and you spine in neutral alignment. Stand near a wall or chair if your balance is suspect. Lift your heels up off the floor, on to the balls of your feet and lower, repeat 15 times. Now put your heels together so your toes are pointing out and lift and lower your heels 15 times. Finally, put your big toes together and point your heels out, lift and lower your heels 15 times. Take a break and repeat this entire series for a total of 3 sets, 15 repetitions in each position, each set.

Have fun!

What Is So Great About Genesis Transformation?

First off let me answer the question of what Genesis Transformation is.

Genesis Transformation provides an individually designed path for fat loss
and increased overall fitness. We offer a proven system that combines clean
eating, accountability, sound science and emotional support to get fantastic
results. This is accomplished with our award-winning online food journaling
tool, Genesis, along with affordable weekly phone coaching.

I have spent the last year and 1/2 as a GT client as well as training to be a GT coach and personal trainer. I signed on to Genesis with the goal of becoming a coach. I didn't have specific weight loss goals but I was open to what came my way.

Within the first 8 weeks of being a part of GT, I lost 15 pounds and 4% body fat. That's pretty neat. Oh, I didn't mention that by the end of that time, I was eating 2900 calories a day and not getting my heart rate above 105 beats per minute. I wasn't sitting still. I was walking, going to yoga and strength training, but no cardio activity! There were a few things that I eliminated from my diet. I don't eat any grains, dairy products or anything with added sugar or sodium. I DO eat tons of fresh fruit and vegetables, organic meats, nuts and seeds. I drink a lot of water. I drink tea and yes, I drink coffee.

Genesis works because our bodies are built to work. Our bodies want to burn stored fat for fuel and so the whole thing is really simple. Fuel your body with healthy foods, ramp up your metabolism, burn up stored fat.

I really got to thinking about the whole process this morning. I like to go for long outings. I enjoy running for hours. It makes me feel good. This winter I decided I would like to go for a somewhat long nordic ski. I love the Stillwater Nordic Center (see the link to the right!) and in February they hold their "Broken Binding" race. I don't have a lot of free time for training and today my day lined up with a few open hours.

I went out with the intention of a 20 mile ski. I wore my heart rate monitor wanting to know my average heart rate when it was all said and done. I skied the first 10 miles with my friend Jen, felt great, but didn't have much enthusiasm to head back out for the next 10 but I had a snack, changed my shirt and put my skis back on.

I skied 20 miles and I felt great. My heart rate stayed below my training level. The best thing about it all was that it was just what my body, my head and my ego needed. The other thing is that for the last year and 1/2 I have not gone for a run longer than an hour, I didn't run at all for over 2 months. I have done what I affectionatly called the "shuffle," not getting my heart rate over 128 beats per minute when I really wanted to RUN.

I have listened to my coach, friend and mentor, Sheri, I have learned volumens about how my mind and my body function. And I have learned that Genesis Works. I put my body on the experimentation block, I continue to do so, and the results keep coming. My husband Jason teases me and says I have joined the Genesis cult and I laugh with him and say that perhaps I have. But I feel really great mentally and physically and he can't argue that.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Now I Know My ABC's

For this exercise you will need a stability ball, one of those fantastic large fitness balls.

If you don't have a stability ball, I highly recommend adding one to your fitness equipment arsenal. You can find one at your local fitness club, if you are in the Flathead Valley, Alternate Root in Kalispell has stability balls as well as resistance tubes and bands and yoga mats. They also offer small group strength and conditioning classes and private personal training. Alternate Root is located in the KM Building at 36 2nd Street East and the class schedule is available on line at

Kneel in front of your ball with your elbows and forearms on the ball and your hands clasped. Extend your legs behind you and press into a plank position maintaining your arm position on the ball.

When you have found your balance, move your arms in a writing motion and go through the alphabet. Be sure to maintain your neutral spine position without allowing your stomach to sag toward the floor or your tailbone to point to the ceiling. Keep your gaze in front of you in order to keep a straight line from your neck down your spine.

Modifications for this exercise are holding your body in plank position for a determined amount of time or performing this on your knees. This is challenging, so make sure that your spine is correctly aligned and your shoulders are not creeping up to your ears. Go through the alphabet 3 times, your abs will thank you.

Don't forget to breathe today. Your breath keeps you in the moments of your life and the moments are what come together to make our lives.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Joy of Step-Ups!

Look around and find a sturdy step of some sort, 12-18 inches tall. Stand in front of the step with your feel parallel and hip distance apart, your shoulders down, spine in neutral and core engaged. Maintaining your proper posture, bend your knees into a small squat. From here, step up on to the step, leading with your right foot, following with your left. The step progression will go: right foot up, left foot up, right foot down, left foot down. Repeat this, leading with your right foot for 12-15 repetitions and then switch your lead leg to the left. Stay in the squat position for the entire movement. Be mindful of your posture, your quad muscles and your hamstring and glute muscles. And above all...have fun! It is great to get your body moving!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Word, Or Several, On Stretching

This week I want to begin with stretching. Stretching and flexibility is an overlooked but vital part of every fitness program. A regular, ideally daily, stretching routine is vastly important for several reasons.

*None of us are created totally symetrical. Our lack of symetry naturally leads to muscular imbalances and we favor one side of the body over another. Regular stretching serves to lengthen tight, overused muscles and strengthen the undersued muscles. Working to balance our muscles can aleviate general aches and pains.
*Flexible muscles are less prone to injury.
*Flexible muscles recover quicker than tight muscles and gentle stretching can help speed the recovery process by increasing blood flow to muscles.
*Regular stretching helps to maintain proper posture.
*Stretching muscles that are tight helps to release tension and stress.
*Stretching allows us to utilize the full range of motion in our joints which will allow for greater coordination and less injury.

Today sit down and stretch. Be mindful though. Do not bounce in a stretch. Bouncing in a stretch can cause small tears in muscle tissue. Do not stretch cold muscles, stretching after your workout will be most beneficial. Do not stretch to the point of pain. Hold each for at least 20 seconds and don't forget to BREATHE. Focusing your breath toward the muscle group you are stretching will deepen the stretch.

Enjoy the glory of the day! Happy Monday!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

For The Love of Birthday Cake!

This week my "baby" Sage turned 2. Waking up and realizing that my baby really isn't a baby anymore brings me to the state of reminiscing, recognizing the importance of focusing on the moments that make up our days and a general sense of amazement. I am blessed with two amazing daughters and watching them bloom into their own is a gift. If I am not present in the very moments of each day, I am just speed reading their stories. I am glad to say I was present for the moments of Sage's second birthday because the words from the mouths of babes are the ones worth writing down.

For the past couple weeks, when asked how old she was going to be on her birthday, Sage was holding up 5 fingers and confidently stating that she was going to be 4. When I asked her how old she was on her birthday, the first words out of her mouth were, "I'n 10" (holding up 10 fingers). I certainly was impressed with her new numerical recognition! The next words out of her mouth were, "I want cake!" Mind you it was 6am!

Well you can't say no to a 2 year old on her birthday so here is the recipe for Sage's second birthday cake. It is delicious, easy and somewhat healthy.

Blueberry Orange (or Lemon) Cake
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and oil a large bundt pan or baking pan
In a large mixing bowl, combine these dry ingredients:
4 cups Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
I have made this with other four combinations like coconut, rice and a gluten free, wheat free blend
1 cup turbinado sugar
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground clove
1/2 tsp nutmeg
In a separate bowl combine:
1/4 cup canola oil
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 cup fresh orange juice
1 cup vanilla rice milk
1/2 cup real maple syrup
Stir the wet ingredients into the dry and combine. Gently stir in 2 cups fresh or thawed, frozen blueberries and pour the batter into the pan. Bake for 30-40 minutes, usually closer to 40 in my oven, or until a toothpick comes out clean.

This is a dense and moist cake and when I cut the sugar in half I don't mind giving it to my girls for breakfast. Last night they had it with a spoonful of maple yogurt. Decadent!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Four Elements

This morning I was lucky enough to do my resistance workout with my husband Jason. Not only was it great to get a workout with him, but I was able to share some of the information I have learned as a trainer and he, of course, brought new perspective to my teaching techniques. Jason is a great sounding board and full of feedback and ideas. He brought to light the fact that as a trainer, it is my responsibility to provide the foundation for safe, effective and fun results. Based on that, I am providing what I feel to be four key elements to strength training.

Posture & Spine Alignment: We have gone over finding your neutral spine and posture. Once again, your shoulders should be down, away from your ears and pressing into your "back pockets," like you are sliding your shoulder blades into the back pockets of your pants. Your feet should be hip distance apart and parallel. Hip distance = hip bones.

Core Engagement: Your core should be engaged keeping in mind that when you engage your deepest core muscles you are not engaging you glute muscles, they are not connected!

Muscle Awarenesss: Bring your mental awareness into your workout. Focus your energy on the muscles you are working, it will increase your overall benefit and maintain the integrity of your exercise.

Exhale on the Action: Simple, exhale your breath with the action of the exercise, your core will also engage!

There you go. Four key elements to strength training.

Have fun!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

2 Great Quotes...

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”

And To Wrap It Up...

...Walking Lunges! Find an open space, so you can walk, stand with your feet hip distance apart, your shoulders down and back into your back pockets, find your neutral spine with your core (not bum) engaged. Maintaining this position, reach forward with your right heel (heel to toe controlled foot-fall) and lower into a lunge. Engage your glutes and hamstring muscles to stand and switch legs. Repeat this movement slowly and controlled for 15 lunges on each leg. Take a rest and do it again!

Do not lower your hips below your knees, keep your knee aligned with your ankle when you are in the lunge position, exhale with the action(up) and keep your core engaged. This is great to strengthen and stabilize your legs as well as increase core strength and stability and overall balance.

Happy Friday and enjoy a fantastic day!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

And...A Shoulder Press

It is pretty hard to follow the arm circles, but this is pretty good also. Continue to stand in front of the mirror. Extend your arms to the side, just below shoulder height and bend your elbows to 90 degrees. Activate all the muscles in your arms and fingers and make sure your core, not your butt, is engaged. Take a deep inhale and straighten your elbows to extend your fingers to the ceiling. With an exhale, bend your elbows, keeping your arm muscles engaged and squeezing your shoulder blades together, and return to your starting position. Repeat this exercise for 2-3 sets of 15 repetitions. Make sure your shoulders do not creep up to your ears. This exercise is more challenging than it sounds so stop your snickering! This, as well as the arm circles, may also be done seated on a stability ball, with your feet hip distance apart, your spine in neutral alignment and your core engaged, of course.

Have fun! Don't forget your water!

Where Was My MIND?

I had a fairly busy day today. Nothing on my calender was all to challenging and each part was something that I was looking forward to. I had to get up and get my girls to school with food in their bellies, get some exercise, teach a strength and conditioning class in Kalispell, train a FRIEND/client back in Whitefish, then schools again, dance, baby hand off and a Kundalini workshop. Like I said, nothing out of the ordinary, just not much room to deviate from my schedule.

As I was getting ready for my day last night I started to get tense, and...I already had my lunch made, Lillian's lunch made and everything packed to leave the house at 8am and get home 12 hours later. I woke up tense, and rushed. When I was going for my run, I spent the entire time looking at my watch calculating how much time I had to get to my next scheduled slot. By the time I finished all that was on my list for the morning and was driving to teach my class I had been stressed about this one day for over 12 hours. All of a sudden, I noticed that the sun was out. About the same time I noticed that my shoulders were knotted up at my ears, my lower back was sore and there was so much pressure in my chest, I was unable to take a deep breath. How ironic.

I got to thinking about where my mind had been for the last 12 hours. I wasn't enjoying any moments. I wasn't grateful for the wonderful day that was before me. I was so worried about the logistics that I totally missed half of great things that I got to experience. I rushed my kids out the door and into school with a kiss. That was the last time I saw either of them for the rest of the day. I was so worked up over my run, I wasn't able to get my heart rate to drop below 100 beats per minute during my cool down, I finally just gave up. So in 12 hours of stress over a day that I was TOTALLY prepared for, I missed countless amazing moments. And in addition to that, I certainly did not practice what I was preaching, my words did not match my actions, there was no congruency!

My goal for tomorrow? To notice and enjoy the moments. My daughter Sage is turning 2, there should be some great ones!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tiny Bubbles...

Well circles really, but bubbles seemed so much more fun. This exercise is a simple gem. Stand your awesome self in front of a mirror with your feet hip distance apart and parallel, drop your shoulders down and into your back pockets, find your netural spine and engage your core.

A quick word about engaging your great friend and mentor, Jamie, reminded me that our core muscles are NOT connected to our glute muscles so be mindful and engage your core without contracting your rear end!

Moving on...extend your arms to the side and activate your arm muscles all the way through your fingers. Watch your shoulders, if they begin to creep up toward your ears, lower your arms. Now the fun part; start making small circles with your arms, forward then back. Pick an amount of time as a goal, 30 seconds is a good start, for each direction, repeat this 2-3 times during the day and increase your time as you are ready! This is a fun one!

Enjoy the beautiful day and take a few deep breaths in the fresh air! Nourishment for your soul!

What Color Is Your Food?

Today, while I was purchasing some food items that are staples in my home, a woman I see often around town commented on my groceries. Her comment was friendly, she asked what event I was cooking for, and I obviously took no offense, but it got me thinking.
What was I buying?

4 big bunches of broccoli
3 bunches of kale
several sweet potatoes, to tide me over until the case I ordered arrives
1 apple
all organic produce
and 1 bottle of water, I had left my apple and my water on the counter at home

When I sit down for a meal I am excited! I love to eat but in addition to that, the plate that I sit down to tonight will be beautiful. It will be full of shades of greens, oranges and reds. I view my plates as palates, the more colorful the better. Colors = FUN. Colors = LIFE. Look at your plate. Is it beige, full with rice, pasta and breads? The colorful foods give you vital nutrients; vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, the stuff that gets you through your days!
Here are some easy additions if you plates look a little bland...
Roast some beets with a splash of olive oil, sea salt and pepper
Saute kale with fresh garlic and a touch of low sodium tamari
Bake or roast yams or sweet potatoes, these are delicious alone
Put some frozen blueberries in your oatmeal or yogurt...
You get the picture! Add some color! Turn your plate into a work of art!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Winter Vegetables with Brown Rice or ?...

This recipe came from one of my FAVORITE cook books, The Chopra Center Cook Book: Nourishing Body and Soul
This is delicious, easy and makes a filling and comforting meal!
2 medium carrots cut into ½ inch slices
1 medium sweet potato cut into ¼ inch cubes
1 small acorn, or other winter squash, peeled & cut into ¼ inch cubes
1 cup Brussels sprouts or green beans halved
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 cup chopped yellow onion
2 tablespoons Bragg Aminos or tamari
1 teaspoon ground coriander
½ teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon cardamom
1 teaspoon ginger
½ cup vegetable stock
1 cup garbanzo beans, cooked, drained & rinsed
1 cup plain soy milk, almond milk or lite coconut milk
2 tablespoons currants
2 tablespoons toasted pine nuts
2 tablespoons toasted coconut flakes
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

Fill a large soup pot with 3 inches of water and bring to a boil. Add carrots, sweet potato, squash and beans. Blanch 4-5 minutes. Drain vegetables and set to the side. In the same pot, heat oil and add mustard and cumin seeds, allow to pop briefly. Add onions, aminos and spices, simmer 3-4 minutes adding stock if mixture begins to dry. Add vegetables and more stock if necessary. Cover, stirring frequently, 5-7 minutes until veggies are tender. Add beans and coconut milk, stir and continue to simmer until heated through. Serve over grains if desired and garnish with currants, pine nuts, coconut and fresh cilantro. Yummy, easy and so satisfying on a cold day!

The Challenge Continued...

Now that you have gone through the day bringing awareness to your posture, your core engagement, your breath, your body and your mind, the challenge I offer is to take FIVE, 5, minutes for YOURSELF. Stand outside and breath for five minutes, walk around the block, read something frivolous, close your eyes and pay attention to your breath. Be nurturing to yourself. It is the greatest gift you can give yourself and those around you. See how that feels and I will be back tomorrow with a more "physical" exercise!
Enjoy the beauty in the small details of your day, they will be different the next time you take a look.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Mental Exercise...Of Sorts

Health and fitness is as much mental as it is physical. Today I offer a challenge of both. To begin, stand with your feet parallel and hip distance apart. Take a moment to lift your shoulders up to your ears and roll them down and back into "your back pockets." Articulate your spine to arch your low back and tilt your pelvis to flatten your spine. Find your neutral spine, like you did while lying on your back. Notice how your core muscles are engaged when your spine is in neutral alignment. Now the challenge...remember this position, with your shoulders down, your core engaged and your feet hip distance apart and parallel. Take notice though out your day of your body position. What is going on when your shoulders are up to your ears? Where do you feel tension? What about your core? When you lose the engagement, where is your spine? Is your low back arched with your stomach protruding? How does that make your back feel? Do you sit up tall at a desk or hunch over with rounded shoulders? Can you lengthen your neck by dropping your shoulders?
Now that your posture is in check, where is your breath? Do you need to reach down into your belly for a full breath? Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Notice how a full, deep breath allows you to drop your shoulders, lengthen your neck and engage your core. We have addressed posture and breath, now is the time to make sure your thoughts are in the present moment. Are you fretting, worrying about things you can not change, engrossed in the way off future. Do you pause to notice how the sun plays off the snow? Can you feel your foot inside your shoe? Have you taken the opportunity to notice how fabulous simplicity is?

Posture, Breath, Mind...all connected.

What Is Going Into My Crock Pot In The Morning?

1 Whole Organic Chicken
1 Can Lite Coconut Milk
2 Lime Leaves (found at the health food store)
1 Medium Chopped Onion
2 Cloves Garlic Chopped
Some Fresh Ginger
Some Low Sodium Chicken Broth
Some Curry Powder

This will cook up through the day, have a wonderful flavor and be really moist.

I will serve this with some brown rice, steamed broccoli or kale and baked sweet potatoes.

I like ginger and curry and coconut milk. Those three things make just about anything delicious, in my mind. I will offer some recipes that vary from this theme but I get a little stuck in my ruts sometimes.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

An At Home Workout Pulled Together

Now is the chance to put the entire week of exercises together...with one last addition.

On Monday I provided information to help you find your neutral spine alignment while lying on your back (supine). With your body in neutral spine and your knees bent with your feet planted firmly on the floor hip distance apart, use the strength of your core muscles to lift your toes slightly off the floor and return. Continue that movement with your breath for 12-15 repetitions. Next, extend your arms toward the ceiling and lift your legs off the ground with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Maintaining your spine alignment, with a deep breath in, extend your arms overhead and straighten your legs, reaching your flexed feet out in front of you. On an exhale, with the strength of your core muscles, return your knees to a 90 degree bend and your arms and fingers reaching toward the ceiling. Repeat this exercise 12-15 times immediately following a set of toe raises. Roll over on to your stomach (prone) and with the strength of your core and your spine aligned, find the up position of a push-up and off you go. Remember, there are several variations to a push-up, all really effective. After your push-ups, find a chair or bench. Sit on the chair/bench with your feet hip distance apart. Grasp the edge of the chair, extend your legs and slide yourself off the edge, don't forget your spine alignment! Lower your torso, do not lower your shoulders past your elbows, and with the strength of your core and your arms, push yourself back up on an exhale.
Just for the fun of it, I am going to add one more little treat. After finishing the bench dips, stand with your feet parallel and hip distance apart (hip bones = hip distance) against a wall. Step your feet about 2 feet from the wall, exact distance will depend on the length of your legs. Drop your shoulders down and back away from your ears, find your neutral spine and lower into a squat. Do not lower your bum past your knees and hold for 30 seconds or 5 deep breaths. Press through your heels to stand with an exhale of your breath. Feel free to hold your squat for longer! This is a great exercise for your quad, glute and hamstring muscles, as well as your core.

Perform this entire series 2-3 times. Don't forget to engage your core, maintain your neutral spine and keep your shoulders pressed down and back, away from your ears and have a fabulous day!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Moisturizing Coconut Salt Scrub, Homemade and EASY!

Last winter I splurged and bought myself a luscious salt scrub. My family and I promptly used it up and when I went went to purchase another I realized that I could feed us all dinner for days for about the same amount. For some reason, whatever thread of restraint that exists in my body showed itself and I put it back on the shelf. Of course, I was already addicted to the stuff and got to thinking about what it would take to make it on my own, not much. So I went to my favorite, health food store...3rd Street Market, if you are in the Flathead Valley, and for a fraction of the cost got what I needed.

What you need...
Organic Coconut Oil
Organic Sea Salt
Lavender Essential Oil, or another oil of choice, or not...

What to do...
Heat the coconut oil in a pot of hot water, still in the jar and put the salt in a large mixing bowl. When the oil has liquefied, stir in enough to cover all the salt and add essential oils to your liking. Spoon the mixture into a large mouth mason jar or whatever extra container is available and use frequently!

Substitute almond oil or cocoa butter for the coconut oil if you wish. I have added fresh lavender from my garden and other small flowers, violets or another fragrant flower are really pretty if you don't mind them in your drain. This is a great, EASY, moisturizing exfoliate and makes a wonderful gift.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Parting words...

"And the day came when the risk (it took) to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
-Anais Nin

There is no better time than right now to allow yourself to open up and bloom into the amazing person that you were put on this earth to be. Dream BIG and reach your highest potential!

The At Home Workout Continued...

After completing and embracing your push-ups, find a sturdy chair or bench for tricep bench dips. Remember your neutral spine, the feeling or your core engaged and your shoulder blades down and back, away from your ears. Sit on your chair/bench with your feet hip distance apart, hip bones = hip distance. Grasp the edge of the chair, extend your legs and slide yourself off the edge, don't forget your spine alignment! Lower your torso, do not lower your shoulders past your elbows, and with the strength of your core and your arms, push yourself back up on an exhale. 2-3 sets in proper form and before long you will be flexing in the mirror. If your shoulders creep to your ears and your back begins to arch, it is time to take a rest. These may also be done with your knees bent and your feet planted firmly on the floor.

I have said it before...drink lots of WATER and have a fantastic day!

Warm Breakfast for a Cold Morning

I love a warm breakfast, especially when it is 11 degrees below zero. I used to eat steel cut oats, which are a great option if you are not intolerant to grains. Steel cut oats are less processed than rolled oats and have a lower glycemic index, which will cause less of an insulin spike than rolled oats. They take a bit longer to cook, 20-30 minutes total cooking time, but are well worth it! I struggled to find an easy hot "cereal" option when I removed grains from my diet, until my friend Christy shared a version of this.

You will need...
1 medium apple
1/2 cup berries, frozen or otherwise
1/4 cup chopped nuts, I use walnuts and almonds
1 tbsp ground flax seeds
1 scoop of whey protien powder

Chop your apple and simmer in a small sauce pan with about 1/2 an inch of water for 15 minutes, add frozen berries continue to simmer for 5 minutes longer. Stir in chopped nuts, top with protein powder and ground flax seeds.

This is a delicious hot cereal option without the grains, full of healthy fats, carbohydrates and protein. Eat well and enjoy each day!

Push up's are fun!

Tried and true...the push-up, this time with intention, aka your CORE! From your back, roll on to one side and come to your hands and knees. Take a moment to align your wrists below your shoulders. Drop your shoulder blades, find your neutral spine, engage your core and extend your feet back into the up position of a push-up, plank position. Hold this position and feel your core engaged, your shoulders down, away from your ears and your legs and arms active. From here, lower your entire body to hover above the ground and with a big exhale push yourself back up. Only do as many as you can in proper alignment, do not allow your stomach to sag toward the floor or your shoulders to creep up to your ears. There are plenty of variations to the push-up...hold your body in the up position, plank, that position alone is plenty challenging! Do your push-ups on your knees, in proper alignment, the "girl" push-up takes on a whole new definition! Find your alignment standing against a wall and do wall push-ups or place a yoga block or large book under one hand, do 3-5 and switch the block to the other hand. Do 2-3 sets, as many as you can in proper alignment.

Have a great day! Get out for some fresh air! Your brain will love you...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Meal Prep Simplified...

Over the last year ++ I have spent a lot of time thinking about food. I have also spent a lot of time preparing food. In order to cut the time in the kitchen down and to make sure I could easily pull together a healthy meal, I figured out a couple "tricks."

1. I always have a box of apples on hand, I order them from the local health food store or grocery. Ordering by the box keeps the cost down and if stored in a cool spot, they will last for weeks. I do the same with yams or sweet potatoes. I love them and my kids do also. I bake 6-8 at a time and keep them in the refrigerator.
2. I also cook several chicken breasts at a time. To reheat, slice and stir it into a saute at the end, stir into a pasta sauce, etc.
3. Rice, quinoa, bulgar, grains in general, just the same, cook a lot and save it in the fridge.
4. When I come home from the store, I spend a bit of time washing and chopping my veggies. I cut down on a ton of preparation and am always able to grab carrot sticks, sliced peppers or broccoli "trees."
5. In my freezer I have frozen berries, peaches, peas, beans, organic beef, bison, chicken, sprouted wheat tortillas, walnuts, almonds, flax seeds, a couple loaves of get the picture.
6. Much of the same on my shelves, pasta sauce and gluten free pasta, diced tomatoes, coconut milk, low sodium broth, dried beans...
7. I love my crock pot! Thanks to my Sis-In-Law, Kirsten, for the oh so practical gift! I cook beans in my crock pot. They will cook without soaking in about 8 hours. Chicken breasts or a whole chicken cooked in a can of coconut milk with some curry, garlic, onion and lime is yummy! The crock pot does it all!
8. A word about beans...cook a bunch and save them in the freezer. They will last for weeks and cooking dry beans is much less costly than buying cans, much lower in sodium as well.
9. Stock up on non-perishable food items that are family staples when they are on special. You won't run out and you will save money.

For now, this is what I have. Eating a sit down dinner with your family is the most enjoyable end to a busy day.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Core Progression

After completing your first set of toe raises, take a few deep breaths and lift your bent knees off the ground to 90 degrees. As you lift your knees off the ground extend your arms in the air, activate your arms and reach your fingers toward the ceiling. With a deep breath in, extend your arms overhead and straighten your legs, reaching your flexed feet out in front of you. Only extend your arms and legs as far as you can while maintaining your neutral spine. If you feel your spine begin to arch or your stomach "pop" toward the ceiling, shorten the movement. On an exhale, with the strength of your core muscles, return your knees to a 90 degree bend and your arms and fingers reaching toward the ceiling. Repeat this exercise 12-15 times immediately following a set of toe raises.

Happy Wednesday. I am looking forward to sharing a list of things and places that make my life easier each day. One of my very favorites...The Stillwater Mountain Lodge! The Nordic trails are beautiful and in great shape for skate skiing and classic skiing.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Moving on to our CORE!

Moving on from the position of neutural spine alignment described in yesterday's post, I am offering a simple and effective deep core exercise.

Begin laying on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hip distance apart. Gently place your hands across your lower abdomen/pelvis and cough a few times. You should feel your deepest abdominal muscles contract. Now place your hands by your sides, palms down. Take a deep breath in and slowly lift your toes 3-6 inches off the floor, mainting your neutural spine. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of 12-15 repititions.

Have a fantastic day! Grab an organic apple and a handful of nuts for the perfect snack.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The first installment...FINDING NEUTRAL SPINE

Happy Monday! The first work out is not a work out at all but IT IS YOUR FOUNDATION! I am going to offer simple instructions for finding your neutral spinal alignment. Working out and living with your spine in neutral alignment will engage your core and protect the integrity of your entire body. Understanding and maintaining neutral spine alignment will benefit you in all movements through out each day and your entire life. In case you missed it...THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT! THIS IS THE FOUNDATION FOR ALL OUR EXERCISES!


Begin laying on your back, preferably on a yoga mat or folded blanket, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor spaced hip distance apart. Be sure to measure hip distance from your hip bones, not the outside of your thighs or bum. Rest your arms at your side, palms down.

With your breath begin to exaggerate spinal flexion and extension, pelvic tilts. With this I mean arch your back and reach your belly button toward the ceiling and then articulate through your spine to press your entire into the floor. Continue with these movements, flowing with your breath.

When you have completed a series of exaggerated flexion and extension find your neutral spine. This will be midway between the exaggerated arch and pressing into the mat, you will be able to just slide your hand under the small of your back.

Take some time to notice how this position feels. All aspects of our strength training will occur in a neutral spine position and we will continue on from this position with a core exercise.

Have a fantastic day and drink a lot of water, your body will love you for it!

Who are you accountable to?...a lengthy rant.

I wrote this for the Genesis Transformation newsletter this past fall. I re-read it last night and it it seemed fitting for heading into 2010......

Recently, as I was out on a run, I realized my 39th birthday was approaching and my birthday happens to coincide with my first anniversary in the Genesis Program. Naturally I spent the remainder of my run reminiscing, keeping my heart rate in check, of course, about the last year. Let me provide a little background information. My family and I live in the Flathead Valley so I had been watching people “transform” with admiration and amazement. While I was deeply intrigued, I outwardly shunned the program. After years of obsessions with food and fanatical exercise, (20-30 mile runs in Glacier Park for example) I swore that I would never spend that much time thinking about food. Of course my aversion to GT did not prevent me from pestering Sheri INCESSANTLY each time I saw her. At this time I was also struggling with my career path and feeling generally lost. I learned of the opportunity to train to become a Genesis Coach, I realized I already spent that much time thinking about my food and it “clicked.” Jamie and Samantha convinced Sheri that I was really not as irritating I had come across and my transformation began.
As I look back over the last year, I realize the list of “if you had told me I would be…” is pretty long. There are the easy ones, I eat eggs, avocados, salmon and tomatoes, all things I swore would never go into my body. I stopped eating cookies by the dozen and drinking red wine. I quit running for weeks; and strangely enough, lost weight, body fat and increased my lean muscle mass! I proudly had my picture taken in a swimming suit. I got certified as a personal trainer and a Genesis Coach. I could go on and on.
The lessons I have learned are immeasurable. As promised, I have received an education in my body that is immense; often times I feel I have learned much more than I wish to know, but each piece is fascinating. I have learned that I am accountable for my destiny, every path I take, whether it is binging on a bag of cherries, skipping a workout or ignoring my responsibilities. I am accountable for my successes as well and often times it is just a simple choice to believe in myself. I am learning to speak my truths, it is far more effective. I am also learning that each day is a new lesson.
What really stands out as I reflect on the last year are the fundamental changes that have occurred in my life. I have become accountable for all the aspects in my life. Not only is every bite that goes into my mouth consciously accounted for, I am aware of the role accountability plays in the rest of my life. I see how my past desire to avoid conflict and make those around me happy, ultimately let everyone down. I realize that I don’t play a role in the happiness of others. I am responsible for myself. Clearing my mind of the fanatical need for exercise after 14 molasses cookies and all the other diet and body image clutter made room for me to recognize my limits, needs, desires, strengths and weaknesses and improve my confidence.
The funny thing, becoming accountable for myself became so much larger than just me. I no longer make promises that are impossible to keep, I say “no” a lot. The ability to bow out of situations means that my family and I are off some of the “call lists” but we sit at the table for a great dinner every night and our family has become a solid unit. My newly acquired confidence has allowed me to find a career path that is exciting and makes me grateful everyday for the opportunities in front of me. I now know that I have a wealth of strengths that are not only physical. I have a lot of work ahead of me in regards to my weaknesses, but I am aware of them, I am facing them, some reluctantly, and I am excited to address, learn and grow.
Don’t get me wrong, yes, my head is mostly clear, my family is amazing and my body is strong, this last year has also been hard. Through the Genesis process we uncover the amazing people that we are. We give ourselves the priceless gift of health but there is a lot to let go of. I let go of molasses cookies, birthday cake with my kids, RUNNING every day, the person I was a year ago. For so many of us GT’ers as we shed weight and fat, we become a different person and it is hard to let go of the habits and beliefs that got us to where we are. Sometimes I miss my insecurities, they kept me safe. I have come so far, reached my goal of becoming a GT coach and trainer, improved my overall health and opened my mind and I don’t have the time to be insecure, but a year ago I was not faced with the need to stand up and SHOUT, make myself known and truly believe that I ROCK, I AM STRONG, SMART AND READY TO CHARGE MY LIFE. That’s the thing about the Genesis Transformation process; every one of us on this journey, no matter where we started or where we are headed, is AMAZING! We are smart and we are strong and we are charging our lives! So, be grateful to the person who brought you to where you are, embrace the person who is guiding you on, and make sure to enjoy the ride!

If you have already seen this rant, thanks for reading it. Perhaps you will find something new, I was reminded of a few areas to focus on. Take a few minutes to check out the Genesis Transformation web site,, there is a wealth of information and it is an amazing health based fat loss program, individually designed to help each person achieve their health goals.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What's For Dinner Tonight?!? Coconut Lentil Stew

I love to cook, and eat for that matter. This lentil stew is quick, easy and delicious on a chilly night.

Coconut Lentil Stew with Sweet Potatoes, Carrots & lots of Ginger!
2 tsp olive oil
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 medium onion chopped
2 cloves garlic chopped
1 medium sweet potato peeled and chopped into 1 inch dice
3 medium carrots peeled and chopped
1 cup lentils
1 can lite coconut milk
2 big handfuls of chopped greens, kale, chard or spinach
curry powder to taste
lots of fresh ginger grated
2 tbsp bragg's liquid aminos, low sodium soy sauce or sea salt to taste

In a large soup pot, heat olive oil over medium heat , toast mustard and cumin seeds until they just pop, add onion and garlic and saute until translucent. Add sweet potato, carrots, lentils, coconut milk, spices and water to cover it all. Simmer on low until lentils and veggies are tender. Stir in chopped greens and simmer until wilted, serves 4.

Garnish with toasted coconut, toasted pine nuts, currants and chopped cilantro if desired.

This is satisfying on it's own or serve with warm pita, steamed broccoli and a protein of choice, andouille sausage is a favorite of my family...

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome 2010!

Happy 2010...I am excited to welcome in a new year, the possibilities are outstanding! Last year brought some huge changes into my life and I am looking forward to expanding, exploring and learning in this new year! With the opening of 2010 I am starting a new blog and growing my new fitness coaching business, Body Forge. In this blog I will be introducing daily exercises to improve overall strength and conditioning. At the end of the week, all the exercises will come together to create a complete workout. I will be sharing recipes that I enjoy and including my general comments on the days as they come. Thank you in advance for following and I wish you all a year full of excitement, love and optimal health!