Forging Optimal Health & Wellness

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Lazy Days Of Summer...

...sucked me right in! This was my realization on my long, VERY SLOW, meditative run today. So I thought it a great opportunity to refresh some memories as to what I, and Body Forge, is all about.

I, Erin Sabin, am a Certified Personal Trainer, Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant and Genesis Transformation Coach living, working and enjoying the days in Whitefish, MT. I am also the mother of 2 young girls, Lillian and Sage.

My goal as a Fitness Consultant is to provide my clients with enjoyable, realistic and successful tools to transform their lives and allow them to achieve their ultimate health and wellness goals. Genesis Transformation provides an individually designed path for fat loss and increased overall fitness. I guide clients through a proven system combining clean eating, accountability, sound science and emotional support to get fantastic results. This is accomplished with our award-winning online food journaling tool, Genesis, and weekly phone coaching.

Helping people realize their health and fitness goals is something I truely enjoy and I am grateful each day to be on a career path that allows such great rewards.

The Body Forge blog provides workouts and exercises that can be done with minimal equipment, often all you need is your body, at your convenience. The exercises are simple and fun. Set aside some time and pick a few; there is something for all your amazing body parts!

I hope your days of summer are lovely!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Twist on the ABC's

When I am having trouble falling asleep I go through what I have named my "Affirmation Alphabet."

I close my eyes and take a few deep breathes and start with A.

I come up with a positive, personal attribute for the letter A, on to B and so forth. If I am really struggling with sleep, I continue with all the words for each letter I can think of.

I have found a few things with the "affirmation alphabet":

I rarely make it through the entire alphabet without falling asleep and my attitude is always positive as I doze off.
Words that I use to define myself are a projection of who I am and who I want to become; I can create my personal mold by starting with how I think and speak about myself.
It is a great mental challange to end the day.

Happy summer! Have fun creating your list of positive attributes!