Forging Optimal Health & Wellness

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Break!

This week my girls are out of school so in observance, I am taking a break from the exercises.

Instead, as things come up that are enjoyable for my girls and I, I will share those experiences/experiments instead.

Recently Lillian (7) and I were working on a few gift ideas for Sage (2).

We decided upon multi-colored, heart shaped crayons. We found a mini-heart shaped muffin tray at a craft store. We peeled the papers off crayons and broke them into small pieces. We put the crayon bits into the muffin molds and melted them all together at the lowest bake temperature in our oven.

They ended up with a clear layer on the top which probably could have been avoided if we had stirred them a bit but this falls into the experiment category. They are a great size for chubby little hands to hold on to and Lil and I had fun putting them together!

Happy Spring!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Row Row Row

High Row

Begin standing with your feet hip distance apart, your spine in neutral with your core engaged. Hold a set of light dumbbells in your hands with your fingertips facing your thighs.

Inhale and with your exhale reach your elbows up to the ceiling with your hands sliding along your torso.

Points to remember: keep your elbows higher than your hands through the entire exercise and your shoulders down and back.

Plyo Lunge

This lunge adds a jump in the middle so make sure you are mindful of your landing and have a strong base level of cardiovascular fitness!

Begin in a lunge position with your left foot forward and both knees bent. Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides if you wish, keeping your arms straight.

From your lunge, jump straight up and switch your leg position in midair so you land in a lunge with your right foot forward.

Keep your upper body still throughout the exercise and make sure you don’t bend your forward knee past 90 degrees. Repeat in a continuous motion, doing four sets of 16 (eight per leg).

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Elevated Push-Up; The Tried & True But Different

Start in push-up position with your feet on a chair behind you. Drop your shoulders down and back, away from your ears, contract your core and do not allow your stomach to sag toward the floor. Lower your torso toward the floor and press back to the up position with the exhale of your breath. Repeat for as many repetitions as can be performed in proper position!

Monday, March 22, 2010


This quote was on my "Yogi" tea bag tonight; it is worth considering!

"Mantras you shouldn't say: I don't know; I'm not ready, I can't do it."

These are three statements that should be wiped off of our verbal slates!

What about this?
I KNOW! I am READY! I CAN do it!

Pretty simple switch!

Better Late Than Never..

...Round The World Lunges! These lunges I am borrowing from a workout posted on the Genesis Transformation Blog, the link is posted on the side bar. Sheri Lynn, the GT founder, provided this gem. Enjoy!

ROUND THE WORLD LUNGES: Imagine a compass, and use the directions N (north), NE (northeast), E (east), SE (southeast), S (south), SW (southwest), W (west), NW (northwest) and back to N. Stand in neutral stance, come forward with your right leg into a front lunge (N), and back to neutral . Then lunge with the same leg NE (45 degrees) to the front, and back to neutral. Next, a side lunge (E) with the right leg, so that the left leg is extended and the right thigh comes parallel to the floor, and back to neutral. Next lunge is SE, again lunging so that the right thigh comes parallel to the floor, and back to neutral. Finally a reverse lunge (S or South) and back to neutral. Now switch legs.

The left leg comes back into a reverse lunge (S), back to neutral. Left leg lunges SW, thigh coming parallel to the floor, back to neutral. And so on, as with the right leg, completing lunges for W, NW, and completing the round with left leg lunging N.

NO, YOU ARE NOT DONE. Now work your way back around, starting with the LEFT leg – lunging N, NW, W, SW, S and switching to right: S, SE, E, NE, N.
Do that whole sequence, all the way around 3-5 times.

Thanks Sheri, have fun!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Toe Touching!

Lie on the floor with your legs straight and arms out to your sides. Lift your left leg up toward the ceiling. At the same time lift your shoulders off the floor, reaching your right hand to touch the toes of your lifted leg. Return to the starting position. That's one rep. Repeat on the other side and continue for a total of 12-15 repetitions.

Remember to use your core muscles to perform this exercise!

Have a great Friday!

Arm Toning Tricks!

Lie on your back, with your right arm extended to the ceiling holding a weight. Keeping the arm raised, roll onto your left side propping yourself with your left forearm and thigh, bent knee. Push your self to kneeling then to stand keeping the arm extended through the entire motion. Reverse the movement to return to start. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions and switch sides.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

An Embarrassingly Easy Chicken Pot Pie

I recently made a couple Chicken Pot Pies for some friends and my family. This was embarrassingly easy and equally unhealthy.

For 1 Pot Pie
1 roasted whole chicken, shredded
1 premade pie crust, from the freezer in the "health food" area of the store
1 sheet puff pastry, thawed and cut into 1 inch strips
1/2 package frozen mixed veggies, peas, corn, carrots & green beans
1/2 stick of butter
1/2 pint 1/2 & 1/2
1/2 diced sweet yellow onion
salt, pepper & thyme to taste
a little bit of flour +/- 1/4 cup

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Melt the butter in a large pan. Add onion and saute until translucent, stir in veggies, chicken, salt, pepper and thyme. Sage, basil and tarragon would also be good additions. Stir in the 1/2 & 1/2 and flour, continue to stir until the mixture thickens a bit.

Add the chicken mixture to the pie crust and top with the puff pastry strips. Bake at 400 until the pastry is brown and fluffy, about 35-40 minutes. Allow to cool a few minutes and serve. I actually made a green salad to go with this in an attempt to counter act the butter and 1/2 & 1/2.

Outdoor Babes!

I am blessed with two super great girls. Lillian is seven and her sister, Sage, just hit two. They are constantly teaching me about this amazing world that we live in. Personally, I have always known that life is better when lived outdoors. I love the feeling of being blissfully worn out after a day of outside adventuring. Lucky for me, both my girlies love to get out and about as much, if not more, than I do.

Sometimes Lillian takes some prodding, she is also content with her nose in a book, but get her out the door and away she goes. She recently had an amazing breakthrough on her bicycle and powered through breakfast all week for a few minutes on her bike before school. No big deal right? Well, we live in North West Montana and though we haven’t had much of a winter, morning temps were hovering around 20°, burr!

Now Sage, she could live outside. We actually have to lock the doors to keep her in, she opens the door and leaves, sometimes she will say “bye-bye,” most often not, and away she goes. There are the obvious dangers with a stray 2 year old and at our house we also have a pond, the potential of bears, mountain lions and other creatures and acres of raw land. Fencing her in is easier said than done and sometimes I have the vision of a dog-run/tether apparatus just to keep her somewhat contained. But I know her routes and make certain to keep her in my sights.

Those of us with children in our lives know what joy they bring to our days and for me, having two girls that thrive in the outdoor world we live in just multiplies that joy. Both my girls are fascinated by the plants and animals in their environment. They love the mud, how the moon hangs in the sky when they first get up in the morning and the birds that come in and out over the year. Their enjoyment and curiosity has broadened my view of the outdoors. I am learning the native plants and developing a bit of an obsession about caterpillars with Lillian and I am taking the paths that offer the most puddles with Sage. It really is a gift to look at the world around us from the perspective of growing, curious minds. The view is different from down there, it is fun and brand new; and, at the end of the day, minds and bodies full of fresh air settle into their beds without a fight!

Reverse Fly With a Stability Ball

Come to lie with your stomach on a stability ball, reach your legs behind you with your feet on the floor and pressing against a wall. Lengthen your spine so you are in a straight line from the top of your head to your heels. Extend your arms to the floor below your shoulders, inhale and with your exhale, lift your arms laterally to shoulder height. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top and lower. Repeat for 12-18 repetitions! Grab a light set of dumbbells to increase the challenge!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Building on Plank!

Begin in plank position with your shoulders stacked above your wrists, your spine in a straight line from your head down and your leg muscles engaged, reaching through your heels.

From this position, bend your left leg, engaging your core muscles and bring your knee across your body’s midline, toward your right elbow, return to plank and switch legs; continue, switching with each repetition, for a total of 10-15 reps with each leg.

Have a great day!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Side Leg Lifts...With A Stability Ball

This is a lot of fun!

Lay on your side with your head propped in your hand and a stability ball held between your legs. Squeeze the ball with your legs/feet, feet flexed. With and exhale, lift your legs off the floor and lower. Repeat for 3 sets of 15 repetitions! Lovely!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Week of Great Glutes!

This Week...Great Glutes!

#1: Start off standing on a sturdy bench or chair. Have your feet together with your palms facing your thighs. If you choose, hold a set of dumbbells or other weight. Squeeze your shoulders down and back and engage your core. Hinge at the hips and bend forward with your legs and back straight, lowering the weights toward the floor. Engage your glute muscles and return to stand. Repeat for 12-18 reps!

#2...Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet planted hip distance apart and your arms resting by your sides. Lift your hips, engaging your glutes, off the floor as high as you can coming up to a shoulder bridge. Hold for a count of 3-5 and lower. Repeat for 12-18 repetitions.

#3…For this exercise you will need 2 paper plates and a hard surface (not carpet).
Stand with your feet hip distance apart and a paper plate under each foot. Find yourself centered, preparing to balance on your right leg. Keep your feet parallel and slide your left foot out to the side, bending your right knee into a lunge.
From the side, slide your left leg behind your right, crossing your left leg behind your right, maintaining your lunge. From here, still in your lunge, slide your left leg back out to the side slide it back to your starting position, standing with your feet hip distance apart. Switch legs and repeat for 12-18 repetitions on each leg.
Points to remember: keep your back straight, your knees pointing over your toes, your shoulders down and back and your core engaged and have fun!

#4...and hamstrings and core!
Begin this exercise on your stomach with your arms bent, your hands stacked and your forehead resting on the top hand. Drop your shoulders away from your ears and engage your core, bringing your navel up toward your spine.
Extend your legs out behind you engaging all your leg muscles. Using the strength of your glutes and hamstrings, maintaining your core engagement and keeping your shoulders relaxed lift your legs a few inches off the floor. Hold for 6-8 counts and lower. Repeat for 12-18 repetitions.
When you are finished, press back into "child's pose" and relax!

#5...And last but not least...
From child's pose, come to your hands and knees. Lift your left leg, still bent with your heel pressing toward the ceiling. Engaging your glutes, pulse your heel toward the ceiling for 30 small pulses. Lower and switch legs. When you have finished with 12-15 repetitions on each leg press back into child's pose and rest.

Cycle these glute exercises in together for a total of 2-3 sets and be sure to stretch!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Great Glutes #5

And last but not least...

From child's pose, come to your hands and knees. Lift your left leg, still bent with your heel pressing toward the ceiling. Engaging your glutes, pulse your heel toward the ceiling for 30 small pulses. Lower and switch legs. When you have finished with 12-15 repetitions on each leg press back into child's pose and rest.

Cycle these glute exercises in together and be sure to stretch! Have a great Friday!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Great Glutes #4...

...and hamstrings and core!

Begin this exercise on your stomach with your arms bent, your hands stacked and your forehead resting on the top hand. Drop your shoulders away from your ears and engage your core, bringing your navel up toward your spine.

Extend your legs out behind you engaging all your muscles. Using the strength of your glutes and hamstrings, maintaining your core engagement and keeping your shoulders relaxed, lift your legs a few inches off the floor. Hold for 6-8 counts and lower. Repeat for 12-18 repetitions.

When you are finished, press back into "child's pose" and relax!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Great Glutes #3...

For this exercise you will need 2 paper plates and a hard surface (not carpet).

Stand with your feet hip distance apart with a paper plate under each foot. Find your self centered preparing to balance on your right leg. Keeping your feet parallel, slide your left foot out to the side, bending your right knee into a lunge.

From the side, slide your left leg behind your right, crossing your left leg behind your right, maintaining your lunge. From here, still in your lunge, slide your left leg back out to the side slide it back to your starting position. Switch legs and repeat for 12-18 repetitions on each leg.

Points to remember: keep your back straight, your knees pointing over your toes, your shoulders down and back and your core engaged and have fun!


"You will never find happiness if you do not conquer your own doubt."

Monday, March 8, 2010

Great Glutes...

Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet planted hip distance apart and your arms resting by your sides. Lift your hips, engaging your glutes, off the floor as high as you can coming up to a shoulder bridge. Hold for a count of 3-5 and lower. Repeat for 12-18 repetitions.

*Increase the difficulty by doing this with a weight plate or other weighted item on your abdomen.


"Patience gives the power to practice. Practice gives the power that leads to perfection."

Recognize that being patient is indeed a challenge that often times requires strength and courage but can lead to amazing results.

This Week...

...Great Glutes!

#1: Stand on a sturdy bench or chair, feet together with your palms facing your thighs. If you choose, hold a set of dumbbells or other weight. Squeeze your shoulders down and back and engage your core. Hinge at the hips and bend forward with your legs and back straight lowering the weights toward the floor. Engage your glute muscles and return to stand. Repeat for 12-18 reps!

Love the sun!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


"It is not a privilege to know others, the privilege is knowing yourself."

Take some time and get to know who you really are. It will be time well spent and you will be amazed!

Have a great day!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

All In One

Core, quads, arms and balance!

Start seated on the edge of a chair grasping the edge with your hands next to your hips. Slide your hips off the edge so you are squatting in front of the chair. Maintaining your squat, extend your right leg, engaging all your muscles and pressing through your heel. At the same time, extend your left arm so both your leg and arm are parallel to the floor. Hold for 1-3 breaths and return. Do 8-10 repetitions and switch sides. Cycle in with the other exercises of the week and have fun!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So Easy To Forget...

…our calves!
Another simple exercise! Find a set of stairs and additional weight if you choose. Stand on the bottom stair on your ball of your right foot with your left foot off the stair. Hold a rail/wall for balance with your right hand if necessary and your weight in your left. Lift and lower your supporting leg, engaging your calf muscle for 3 sets of 15 – 20 repetitions and switch legs. Easy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

From Skater Lunge To...

Reverse Lunge.

Stand with your feet hip distance apart and parallel, shoulders down & back, core engaged. Step your right leg back, bending your left knee into a lunge, keeping your left knee tracking over your toes and not bending your knee past 45 degrees. Engage the hamstring and glute muscles of your supporting leg and return your right foot to it's starting position.

Repeat with the same leg for 12 - 18 repetitions and switch legs.

Fun times!