Forging Optimal Health & Wellness

Monday, June 7, 2010

Slow Down #3...Lay Down!

This post was in my head for last week as the 3rd installment of the importance of slowing down and then I got sidelined by one of the worst colds in my personal history. Losing out to a cold for the better part of a week and still feeling the tail ends of it is inspiration to wrap up with a trio of suggestions for optimal health and wellness!

This one is simple! Lie down and take a nap. You don’t have time you say; at least that is what I always say, but research shows that people who nap actually perform better in test taking situations, are more focused and therefore more productive.

Getting enough rest is one of the most important aspects of optimal health and most of us don’t get it. I am not advocating a 2 hour nap in the middle of a busy Tuesday but finding a quiet spot to lie down and let your body totally relax for 10 minutes is pretty simple to fit and will leaving you feeling refreshed and energized for what is yet to come in your day.

Over the last few months I have been scheduling in “nap” times here and there, I don’t get them in too often, but when I do, I turn off my phone and set my alarm for a few minutes ahead, rarely more than 20. Sometimes I fall asleep; sometimes I completely relax into a deep meditative state. When my alarm goes off, I get up, splash a bit of water on my face and feel as though I am starting new in my day. I am calm, focused, my mood is elevated and I completely avoid the late afternoon sluggishness that often hits.

Try and schedule a quick nap into your week, drink a lot of water and enjoy feeling energized knowing you are truly taking care of your health!

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